
【東京】JJUGナイトセミナー「ようこそ JCP Executive Committee !!!」

2019-05-14(火)19:00 - 21:00 JST



勉強会に参加(懇親会の参加は未定) 無料
勉強会と懇親会に参加 1,500円 会場払い


5月のナイトセミナーはJCP Executive Committeeたちによる講演会です!

Executive Committeeとは、JSR承認などの重要な決定に対して議決権を持っている主要メンバーのことで、ひとことで言えば、Java技術の未来に強い影響力を持っている人たちの集まりというわけです。

JCP(Java Community Process)では、毎年、世界のあちこちに住んでいるExecutive Committeeたちを集めたミーティングを行っています。
そこで今回は、このJCP Executive Committeeの方々をお招きして、超豪華なナイトセミナーをお送りいたします。

スピーカーとして名前の挙がっている以外のExecutive Committeeも参加する予定です。Java技術の進化を牽引するキーパーソンと交流できるまたとない機会です。ぜひお見逃しなく!



時間 内容
19:00~19:05 はじめに
19:05~19:50 Gentle Introduction into Stream Processing with Hazelcast Jet: The World Beyond Batching by Jaromir Hamala
19:50~20:00 休憩
20:00~21:00 The Future of Java and You by Heather VanCura, with guest speakers Andres Almiray & Ivar Grimstad
21:00〜 懇親会


Gentle Introduction into Stream Processing with Hazelcast Jet: The World Beyond Batching


Batch processing served us well for the last 10s of years. Most of developers have a good idea what does it mean to design & implement a batch processing system. However business often requires real-time insight into big data.

The talk explains the basic concepts of stream processing. We will discuss the notion of time in a streaming system, aggregations and windowing. We will also touch some of the operational concerns unique to stream processing. Live Coding Included!

JCP executive committee
Jaromir Hamala

The Future of Java and You


This session will explain how Java development has been brought into the open and review several changes in the Java community and platform over the last year. The Java Community Process (JCP) program celebrates twenty years of Java standards development in 2019. Since the initiation of efforts to expand the developer participation in the Java community, Java standards development is more open that it ever has been.

JCP Spec Lead and EC Member, Ivar Grimstad will provide an update on what is going on with the JSR 371, MVC 1.0 specification. There will also be a demo showing the core concepts.
JCP Spec Lead and EC Member, Andres Almiray will present on JSR 377. JSR 377 is the specification for building Java Desktop applications. This JSR supports all currently available Java UI toolkits. In this session, we'll see what's the current state of the JSR and what's in the roadmap to 1.0.

Learn about current and upcoming technologies being developed through the JCP and how to take part in defining the Java platform – you can participate as an individual, corporation, or nonprofit such as a Java user group (JUG). This session answers questions about why and how to participate in the evolution of the Java platform.

Several JCP Executive Committee members will also attend the event and be available to answer questions you may have.

the Director and Chairperson of the Java Community Process (JCP) Program
Heather VanCura

JCP executive committee & Java Champion
Andres Almiray

JCP executive committee & Java Champion
Ivar Grimstad


日本Javaユーザーグループ/Japan Java User Group

日本Javaユーザーグループ/Japan Java User Group

日本におけるJavaユーザーグループです。 公式サイト/Official site
