
[Tokyo] Kids Programming Seminer - Introduction to Programming and Geometry 2019-06-01(Sat)

Sat, 01 Jun 2019 14:00 - 16:00 JST

G's LounGe by GxP Incorporated.

7-21-1 Nishi-Shinjyuku Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo


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Free admission
Target: 10 - 13 years old


In this workshop, You can learn about programming and geometry using George.
George is a platform for creating and learning.

Please see the website for more details.


  • Laptop PC (Windows or MacOS)


13:30- Open
14:00-14:15 Introduction
14:15-15:00 Workshop 1
15:00-15:10 Break
15:10-15:55 Workshop 2
15:55-16:00 Closing

Workshop Agenda

  • Learn mathematics (addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division).
  • Basic geometry shapes (triangle, square, circle).
  • Learn variables.
  • Learn functions.
  • Learn to apply colors to shapes.
  • Star shape
  • Snowflake


Victor Durán (HiQ Stockholm)

Victor Duran grows up in Spain and moves to Sweden where he came in contact with Java in 2002. He has more than ten years of experience with Java development and has also used other languages like Erlang or Clojure.

He has presented at JavaOne and JCrete; he volunteers in JFokus and JForum (Meetup) in Stockholm. Additionally, he runs the competence group for HiQ bringing international speakers, organizing workshops and sharing knowledge with colleagues. His passion is to share knowledge with people and inspire developers to learn Java.

In his free time, he encourages kids to learn to program with a functional framework called George: George has been in JavaOne4kids, CodeOne4Kids, JavaZone4kids, JCrete4Kids, and JFokus4kids.

Web Site of George

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