
【東京】 JJUGナイトセミナー「DevOps特集」10/15(火) 開催

2019-10-15(火)19:00 - 21:00 JST

ベルサール新宿グランド コンファレンスセンター 5F Room F

東京都新宿区西新宿8-17-1 住友不動産新宿グランドタワー 5F ベルサール新宿グランドコンファレンスセンター






DevOpsは開発(Development)担当者と運用(Operations) 担当者が連携して協力する(さらに両担当者の境目もあいまいにする)開発思想です。

今回のナイトセミナーではStephen Chinさん、Fred SimonさんにJava開発者にとってのDevOpsについてお話していただきます。


  • 場所がいつものオラクル社(外苑前)ではなく、ベルサール新宿グランド コンファレンスセンターになります。
  • 英語によるセッションです。通訳などはございません。


時間 内容
19:00~19:10 オープニング
19:10~20:00 The Rise Of The Machines, How automation change software making and created the DevOps revolution
20:00~20:10 休憩
20:10~21:00 Decrypting Tech Hype for the Busy Coder


The Rise Of The Machines, How automation change software making and created the DevOps revolution

How can 25 millions developers in the world creates so much high quality software so fast?
We will look at the underlying force that fueled the DevOps revolution we are experiencing today and how we can transform ourselves to be superhuman developers.

Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist @JFrog, Co-author of Liquid Software
Fred Simon

Decrypting Tech Hype for the Busy Coder

It seems like there is a new technology trend, development methodology, or deployment tool coming out every day and if you aren’t using it you are labeled as deprecated, legacy, or a technology dinosaur. Come hear straight talk about the latest trends such as blockchain, chatbots, serverless, DevOps, AI, and machine learning. In 45 minutes you will know more than your average redditor, and you can shut down tweet-driven development in your workplace once and for all.

Senior Director of Developer Relations @JFrog, Author, speaker, open-source hacker by night
Stephen Chin


Fred Simon

Co-founder of JFrog in 2008 (Artifactory and Bintray creator) which delivers solutions for streamlining the process of managing software artifacts in modern development, build and runtime environments. Release Fast or Die!
Historically, after years of experiences on C/C++ software, I co-founded AlphaCSP in 1998 to ride the Java wave.
AlphaCSP was the first BEA professional services partner in France.
Specialties: Software developer and architect (whatever it means ?)

Stephen Chin

Stephen Chin is Senior Director of Developer Relations at JFrog, author of Raspberry Pi with Java, The Definitive Guide to Modern Client Development, and Pro JavaFX Platform. He has keynoted numerous Java conferences around the world including Oracle Code One (formerly JavaOne), where he is an 8-time Rock Star Award recipient. Stephen is an avid motorcyclist who has done evangelism tours in Europe, Japan, and Brazil, interviewing hackers in their natural habitat. When he is not traveling, he enjoys teaching kids how to do embedded and robot programming together with his teenage daughter.



懇親会参加費のお支払いはSuica, Pasmoなどの交通系電子マネーICカードを用いた現地決済となります。モバイルSuica経由でのお支払いも可能です。



日本Javaユーザーグループ/Japan Java User Group

日本Javaユーザーグループ/Japan Java User Group

日本におけるJavaユーザーグループです。 公式サイト/Official site
